The data required differs significantly dependent upon your Module requirements.

Whilst all data is maintained in a single repository, for ease, we provide different templates dependent upon Module.

Where you subscribe for multiple modules, please discuss with your service contact.

See the tables below for links to the data requirements.

Table 1: All Modules

*Alternatively, the results or relevant regulatory disclosures can be provided directly, rather than being calculated by Funds-Axis.

Table 2: VaR Required Data

Certain specific VaR data is required to reverse engineer the SRI and SRRI in scenarios where the portfolio can invest across multiple asset classes.

VaR TemplatesYYYY*

*It is optional to include both the SRI and SRRI in EMT but only one is required, at the manufacturer’s discretion.

Table 3: Registration and Dissemination

Dissemination TemplateYYYYY
Registration & Distribution TemplateYYY